Wednesday, May 13, 2009


As the sign above indicates, this is The Evil Dreamer Pub, and it is my hope you have already indulged in the absolute brilliance of the initial explication below of the now world-famous Tension Theory. Without any delay, let us continue with an explanation:

I place human personalities into one of two over-arching categories, the schemer and the dreamer. I must ask you not to associate good or bad or positive or negative with those terms.

The schemer is familiar and many readers probably fall into this category. They are focused on the present with its difficulties and challenges. They develop a plan or scheme, an attempt to map out some number of steps they would have to conquer in order to accomplish a major goal. They can conceive of at least some of the risks associated with any given choice.

On the other hand there is the dreamer. A person in this category allows their mind to dwell on the abstractions of a situation rather than the concrete steps that the person has to take to move ahead successfully. They look to some theory they develop about the meaning of people’s behavior that has no practical effect on resolving a particular problem. They let themselves be distracted by optimistic or pessimistic glosses of situations that have little or no basis in reality, and ignore information that conflicts with their fantastical conclusions. They ignore practical meanings behind another person’s behavior like motive, bias and self-interest (which are not necessarily negative), in favor far-fetched theories.

What if, peradventure, one could scheme and dream at the same time? What if someone, perhaps with the aid of a computer and the internet could take dreamer like theories that have some application? What if a person, like you in fact, could go to a website and read the brilliant, enlightening, hilarious, entertaining and sometimes frightening musings of a genius who schemes when he is not dreaming, and dreams when he is not scheming. I have heard your yearning for knowledge and I now lift the vale that has previously cloaked the mind of an EVIL DREAMER.

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